Find your ideal Domain Name

Secure your domain by registering your domain with us!

  • .com only $20.00 /yr
  • only $78.00 /yr
  • only $78.00 /yr
  • .net only $20.00 /yr
  • .org only $20.00 /yr

only $20.00/yr


only $78.00/yr


only $78.00/yr


only $20.00/yr


only $20.00/yr

Check out our all TLDs below

Checkout the list of the TLD's available for you to kick start your business website!

Price / Year

Price / Year

Get Online in Three Simple Steps

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Choose a domain name

Choose form a wide range of domain extensions like .com, .in, and many mores

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Select a hosting plan

We provide the best hosting at the most affordable prices in market

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Setup a website

Learn how to setup your website from our large knowledge base

Already own your perfect domain name?

Build a website for it!.

Want to create a unique website for your business?
We help you build your website to compete with the world.

Click to start

Get your custom email address to build trust in your business.

Send the right message to your customers and prospects by using a proafessional email address like [email protected]. Adding custom email addresses to your domain is easy and adds credibility to your company. Check out our email options.


Choose the best Managed Hosting experience for your business!

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Above all else, we strive to deliver outstanding customer experiences. When you buy a domain name from TITB, we guarantee it will be handed over to you with superior standards of service and support. Our primary goal is to build a customer-focused atmosphere filled with the happiest customers in the galaxy. The TITB guarantee is our mark of excellence.
When you build a website, you want visitors to come and see what you've done. To get them there, you need a unique domain name that connects to your site's servers. Domain name registration is required to ensure that no one else in the world can claim ownership of your site's address and to make finding your website simple.
Think of the name you want to register. The answer is typically your company or website name. It is best to keep your domain name short and easy to understand. Say it out loud, and make sure it sounds great. Next, search to see if it is available. If the name you desire is taken with the .com top-level domain, there are hundreds of others available. Finally, add the top choices to your cart and complete the domain registration.
At TITB, you can register brand-new domain names using hundreds of popular TLDs. In our Marketplace, you will find thousands of domain names that have already been registered but are now for sale. While .com domains are available, of course, you'll also see options using .net, .us, and many more.
While price is a big factor, there are also other areas to consider when choosing the right domain registrar. These include customer support, security, and effortless account management. All of which come as standard with TITB — alongside a great price, of course.
So you’ve discovered that simply Googling ‘register website domain’ and finding a great provider isn’t the whole story. You also need to consider which domain extension to pick, and which name to register.
Products might be the same, but every customer is different. That’s why we tailor our deals to suit as many people as possible. So you get exactly what you need, for less.